Guide to dating a webcam model in the real world

Choose the right adult chat website:

Several camgirl websites ban models and users from exchanging personal details. This is the case of Livejasmin and Streamate. On streamate, it is possible to send a private message to a camgirl for free. Are Instagram, Snapshat or twitter accounts personal details? I don’t know.

Click here to join streamate for free

Several adult chat websites allow camgirls to share their instagram, their snapchat or twitter accounts. This is the case of Stripchat, camsoda and chaturbate. Consequently, I do advise to use instant messaging app. to get in touch with the camgirls that you would like to date.

Click here to join Stripchat for free

Click here to join camsoda for free

Click here to join Chaturbate for free

The profiles of camgirls on camcontacts don’t show a link to their social media account. However, no clause prevents you from sharing your social media account or your phone number with a camgirl.

Click here to join camsoda for free

Multiply chances of success

Don’t focus on one camgirl. Try to get in touch with as many camgirls as you can. By the way, don’t focus on a deceiving woman who is your exact type. You will quickly discover that circumstances and bad personnalities will reduce the number of successful attempts. For example, a camgirl may not want to meet you. Another camgirl may stop to be responsive at some point. Another camgirl may be forced to stay at home for a while… In the end, expect a very low success rate.

Studio problem, the unwanted intermediary:

Some camgirls work for a studio. It quite easy to spot them. Look at the furniture and the walls of the room, it always looks luxurious in a studio. Conversely, when a camgirl works from home, the background is monotonous.

When a camgirl works for a studio, an operator may chat with you instead of the camgirl. So, when you receive a text message from the camgirl, check if she is typing on her keyboard. Sometimes, the video is not synchronized with the keyboard but sometimes, you can see that the camgirl never gets close to her keyboard while you see text messages coming in. This means that somebody else is chatting with you out of camera sight.

Also, Studio employees sometimes operate the twitter accounts of camgirls. Conversely, we haven’t seen studio employees operating the Instagram, snapchat or whatsapp accounts of camgirls. Nevertheless, keep in mind that somebody else could chat with you via an instant messaging app.

Instant messaging app:

Instagram, Whatsapp and Telegram are good because they store messages. Snapchat automatically deletes messages older than 24 hours or after first reading. This can be a major problem because you may not remember what you said to the camgirl. Whatsapp message are encrypted. Instagram messages aren’t encrypted. Once, you chat with a camgirl on an instant message app. it may also be useful to share email addresses. Therefore, it is useful to create a disposable email address for this purpose. For your information, I prefer instant messaging applications a lot since I had a mishap with an email. A camgirl sent me an email but this email ended up in my spam folder. I never check my spam folder and I thought this camgirl never sent me an email. Hopefully, she sent me an offline message on the camgirl website mentionning that she sent me an email. Because her offline message, I double checked and decided to look into my spam folder. I think her email went to the spam folder because the name in her email was in cyrillic. It was normal because she was Russian.

Willingness to talk:

Even if a camgirl does not understand English, you can see right away if she is willing to talk. For example, if you see that she answers with long sentences, this is a good hint. Conversely, if she answers by “yes” or “no”, if she does not detail her answer, forget it because it means she is lazy. This shows that she isn’t interesting. I have already chatted with camgirls who didn’t speak a word of English but spent time writing long sentences in google translate. Nowadays, even if a camgirl does not speak English well, she has still the option to translate her sentences thanks to google translate. There is no excuse for not chatting. Sometimes, some camgirl website have an embedded translation feature. For instance, Imlive has a translation feature on the model side. Let me be clear. If a camgirl does not want to talk, forget her.

In general, camgirls don’t value distant relationships. They always prioritise local men rather than distant acquaintances. Whoever you are does not make any difference. So, be aware of this disadvantage.

Language barrier:

Many young women who don’t live in an English-speaking country don’t understand and speak English well. However, when a camgirl already spent one year chatting with people online, she should be able to speak English. This is her job. She should invest time in it. If you decide to meet a woman who does not want to speak English properly, it is going to be a disaster. Therefore, I always ask how much time she has worked as a camgirl. If, after one year, a camgirl is still translating sentences, I dump her. Prefer camgirls who speak aloud.

Be aware that if you can’t communicate with a camgirl in her language, you will be forced to use a mobile app every time you want to talk to her in real life. It will be too complicated and time consuming. When you text chat with a camgirl, she may translate all your sentences in her language via google translate to understand what you say. Some women do it fast. However, if you meet this woman in person, you will face a major problem if she does not understand what you say. Imagine, you go to the restaurant, and she does not understand a single word of what you say.

Her personality:

What you see is what you get. If a camgirl sounds entitled, grumpy, it is not going to be better if you meet her in the real world. The webcam girl job does not negatively influence the mood of a camgirl. If she looks upset, this means she is likely moody and grumpy all the time. Don’t be a simp. A woman who is not respectful to you online, will not be respectful in the real world. For example, a camgirl started a conversation by saying: “what?” on Snaptchat even if i wasn’t previously aggressive. Even if this woman was really beautiful, I didn’t go further because this didn’t make sense. It would have been masochist to chat with such toxic woman. By the way, be aware there is an overrepresentation of toxic women among camgirls for a reason. Women who get into a relationship usually stop working as a camgirl. In other words, many camgirls are single due to their inability to have a serious relationship with a boyfriend.

You can also easily see whether a woman is reliable or not. You can see whether she is on time at an online appointment. You can see whether she keeps her promise or not.

Private chat sessions help you to evaluate the camgirl personality. You don’t waste your money by chatting with a camgirl in a private chat session. Anything you learn about a woman is useful for dating. It is like pre-dating. In the real world, when you meet a woman on tinder, you don’t have this opportunity.

Check the following:

  • Does she want to talk to you?
  • Is she psychologically stable?
  • Is her sexuality compatible with your sexuality?
  • Does she understand what you mean?
  • Is she respectful?
  • Is she reliable?
  • Does she keep her promises?
  • Does she answer your questions?
  • Is she lying to you?


There are negative and positive sides to meeting a woman in her country vs. your country.

Option 1: she comes to your country (full article)

Many camgirls will refuse to fly to your country. Sometimes, they will even ask you to pay for the flight ticket of a friend so that she would not come on her own.

BAD – You must buy the return flight ticket for her in advance.

BAD – She may be disappointed and then, every penny you spend is useless.

GOOD – You can’t get scammed because she is on her own.

GOOD – You keep control because you are on your territory.

Option 2: You visit her country (full article)

This choice is most likely to be accepted by the camgirl. It does not mean she will never come to your country but usually, from my observation, when a camgirl wants to meet you, she wants to meet you in her city. whatever your objective, romantic or casual dating, many camgirls don’t take you seriously as long as your aren’t in their city.

GOOD – Even If you are disappointed by the camgirl, most of the time, the countries where the camgirls come from are full of beautiful women. This is the case of Russia, Romania, Ukraine. This means that if dating this camgirl does not work, you will find many other alternatives in these countries. Also, you don’t need to spend a lot of money in restaurants or bars.

GOOD – All the countries with beautiful camgirls are cheaper than Northern American or Western – European countries.

BAD – you may meet a scammer in the country. Several people may elaborate a plan to scam you and get your money.

BAD – Language barrier in some circumstances.

Option 3: Meet at a meeting point in a different country (Full article)

This hybrid solution may be useful to prevent both of you from applying for a visa. This may also simplify the travel itinerary. It is the solution of choice to meet a Russian woman.

GOOD – no visa

BAD – you must take the plane too

Detailed process of Option 1 and opinion:

You must pay her flight return tickets, her accommodation and her food. You may need to help her get a visa to visit you. Then, you should reinsure her by giving her all the details about the schedule of the stay. Take the time difference into consideration.

You can be disappointed by the camgirl and then, the camgirl may become a burden. This happened to several men. If you paid for their accommodation and flights, it is a pure sunk cost. For sure, if it does not work and if you already paid, you may come back to your business.

If you rent an accommodation on her behalf, it may be complicated if you must interact with the landlord. You will to check in and check out. Maybe you will have to drive her from the airport to your place and vice-versa.

Detailed process of Option 2 and opinion:

Find a nice accommodation in a touristic area with all the restaurant and bars. Prepare a backup plan in case it does not work with this woman. For example, if you had a date with a Romanian camgirl in Bucarest and if she does not come, you should have a backup plan in place. Take the time difference into consideration.

I always chose this option. I found that it really worked well in practice. Nevertheless, you need free time to be able to travel. In the cities where the camgirls usually come from, you will always find a backup plan. In Moscow, St Petersburg, Bucharest, Bogota, Medellin, you will always be able to find beautiful women. So, the money that you invested in the trip will never be “lost”.

You don’t need to focus on one woman with this option. It is also good because you don’t need to spend money on her. Also, you can briefly meet her. You don’t need to spend a lot of time with her. If you don’t like her, you can leave whenever you want.

It can sound counterintuitive to fly to a foreign country rather than bringing over a woman. Unfortunately, I can ensure you that a travel is the best option.

Important advice for dating a camgirl

Warning about her alleged country of residence

Some Russian women hide their real location because they don’t want people to know they are Russian. Thus, they claim to be from Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Armenia… Keep in mind that a camgirl may lie about her country of residence.

Visit the category of new webcam models

From my observations, the most interesting women usually work as a camgirl for less than a year. Sometimes, they stay online for less than a month. Then, they vanish, and you never see them again. So, if you failed to exchange your social media accounts or your email address it is too late. If you start chatting with a camgirl and if you want to date her, try to get a way to contact her within the next 3 weeks. Usually, when a camgirl commits to a man she stops working as a camgirl. So, heterosexual women don’t work as a camgirl for long. There is often a bad reason that explains why a Camgirl works as a camgirl for a long time. She is either asexual, or homosexual or psychologically unstable. This explains why you can find the best women in the new model category of a camgirl website. A beautiful heterosexual camgirl always finds a boyfriend quite quickly and she deletes her camgirl profile.

Don’t be emotionally attached

Be rational when you plan to date a camgirl. For example, if you are in the process of moving to a new city. Your priority should be the relocation of your belongings and nothing else. As I am writing this line, it’s march 2022, it would not be rational to visit a Russian camgirl in Russia right now. My Visa and MasterCard would not work in Russia. Also, I don’t know what could happen to me in Russia during this uncertain war time. In other words, it is too risky and it is unrealistic to visit a Russian camgirl right now.

The more you talk to different camgirls the less emotionally attached you are. It is always better to never focus on one woman only. Multiply your contacts.

Don’t idealize webcam models

If you have met a beautiful camgirl online, don’t idealize her. If you see that she is not as nice as she pretends. It is time to “dump her” online before wasting more time and money. Don’t put a camgirl on a pedestal. If you see that you are not going to be successful, if you see that you don’t like something about her just stop talking to her and find another one. Remember there are many fishes in the ocean.

There are many really beautiful women online. Step back and learn to detach yourself emotionally from the situation. If you see that it is not working, remove a camgirl from your favorites. Keep the most interesting ones in your favorites.

Don’t be judge mental.

If a camgirl does adult shows, it does not mean she is not willing to date someone. Conversely, we noticed that many camgirls in the long term/marriage category of camcontacts didn’t want a serious relationship. So, be simultaneously cautious and open minded.

Relationship with body

It is a red flag when a camgirl refuses to get dressed in swimsuit or lingerie. For example, strangely enough, I have met many camgirls who refused to appear on webcam in swimsuit. They, however, had pictures of themselves in swimsuit in their profile. This didn’t make sense to me. Why didn’t they want to show their body in swimsuit in private and show it to public on a beach? non-sense. This is the mark of a twisted mind. My advice: Stay away from psychos. If a woman refuses to wear a swimsuit or bra/panties on webcam, it is a major red flag.

Don’t rush

Some women wear a lof of make-up and they may look totally different when they don’t wear makeup. Don’t get fooled. Ensure you know how this camgirl looks when she does not wear make-up. Also, ensure that you know how her body looks like. Once for instance, I have met a woman that I have seen previously on a low-quality webcam video. When I met her in the real world I discovered that she was much less beautiful than on webcam. So, after each chat session, step back and take stock of the situation in your mind.

Be quick to take action once you have made your choice

Once you are satisfied by a camgirl, it is time to move fast. You must give your contact details (instagram, email address) when it is authorized. We noticed that the most interesting women work as a camgirl for less than 6 months. Once they vanish from the camgirl website, they never come back. Sometimes, they don’t delete their profile, but they don’t answer your messages. So, once a camgirl is gone, she is likely gone forever.


We noticed that women who demonstrated a heterosexual attitude were willing to have a relationship with a man. Conversely, camgirls who only watch adult videos involving women weren’t interested in men. On camgirl websites there is no rule. You can be surprised. Some women may prefer women while claiming to be heterosexual. Stay away from these women. You would waste your time.

Therefore, Enter the public chatroom of a camgirl, spend time observing her attitude, her body language in the free chatroom. This will help you to get useful information about her.

Choose camgirls who do something for you

At the beginning, I thought that it was not possible to evaluate a camgirl to know whether she cared about me or not. I discovered a simple technique. I ask camgirls to do something for me during a private chat. For example, Ask her to show her favorite porn on her smartphone. Ask her to get a dress she isn’t wearing. Ask her to perform a search for next time about something in her country. It raises a red flag when she does not want to do it or if you see that you are annoying her with your request. These actions are significant. They help to assess the personality of this woman. if she does want to do anything for you, this means she is self-centered. She is not going to be a better person If you meet her in the real world.

Be ready to fail and be fussy

Ultimately, be ready to fail many times before being successful. Take the time to evaluate the mindset of a woman. Don’t rush. Conversations aren’t a waste of time. They allow you to know a woman better.

Abort the project if needed

Before sharing your phone number, your snapshat, your instagram, your twitter account, your email address, make sure the woman you talk to is the right one. Camgirl websites have an undeniable advantage. Once, you want to stop talking to a woman, you can remove her from your favorite folder and stop visiting her. Don’t be too nice. Don’t forget that you are customer. There are lots of fishes in the ocean anyways and you will be able to replace her. Don’t waste time and money.

For example, Imagine you meet a woman from Ukraine online. You text chat with her. Then, you understand she translates every single sentence you sent her. This means that if you invite her to your country, you will have to use Google translate all the time. Is this a good idea?