Where to date Ukrainian & Russian women on cam sites?

We found a particularly useful website called camcontacts to date Ukrainian and Russian women online . This website features many beautiful single Ukrainian or Russian women 7 days a week 24 hours a day. This is a webcam chat website. It means this website allows you to chat with a beautiful woman live on webcam. Filter the cam model by country of residence and you’ll get a list of women living in either Russia or Ukraine.

Most of the women on this website are not professional camgirls. Therefore the video quality of their webcam streaming is quite low. They broadcast live from their kitchen, their living room or their bedroom on their laptop via their home internet connection.

Click here to join camcontacts.com for free

You can see below, real pictures of Ukrainian women that we found on camcontacts.


You can also find Ukrainian & Russian women on soulcams.com which is a german cam model website. To find them on the website, type “ukrain” in the search field of the website.

Click here to join Soulcams.com for free

Some insights about dating Ukrainian women

For sure, the invasion of Ukrainian made dating complicating in Ukraine. Note that some Ukrainian women have also moved to Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, France.

On camcontacts, we met Ukrainian women from Lviv, Kiev, Odessa, small villages of west Ukraine. We also met Ukrainian camgirls living in the Donetsk or Luhansk republics.

Be aware that Ukrainian women don’t need a visa to visit a European country. Conversely, people with a Russian passport must apply for a Schengen visa to visit a European country. Usually, women living in Donetsk and Luhansk regions received a Russian visa. This means that for them it is much more difficult to travel than Ukrainian women living in the west of the country.

map of Ukraine

Tips to date Ukrainian & Russian camgirls:

Favour women who accept your requests

For instance, this is the situation in which you asked a camgirl to do something but she refused to do it. Once we asked a camgirl to stand up and she refused to do it. It is not an acceptable behavior as you pay for the chat. The online behavior of a woman helps you foresee her offline behavior. By asking something simple just like standing up, you are evaluating the willingness of this woman to please you.

Protect your identity and your privacy

Camgirl websites allow you to be anonymous. It helps you to protect your identity, your real life. You aren’t forced to tell your real name and details to a female stranger. I think that you should use a nickname when you meet a new camgirl because you don’t know if she is a psycho, a respectful person, a gold digger…

Don’t turn on your webcam right from the beginning

When you walk into a new chatroom, you don’t know who you are talking to. It is unnecessary to show yourself on webcam.

Check the family status of a woman

Some women are married. Some women have boyfriend. Some women have a distant boyfriend. Some women are divorced. Some women already have a child. Everything is possible.

Optimize your time

Rather than talking 3 hours straight, talk 30 minutes x 6 times, this will reduce the amount of chit chat. Set a list of goals for every chat session. Once you reach your goals say goodbye.


Don’t focus on a woman, otherwise you take the risk of being disappointed.