When a camgirl asks intrusive personal questions

Sometimes during a private chat session, a camgirl asks personal intrusive questions and maybe too many questions. I consider it to be a role reversal. A camgirl is a service provider, and you are a customer. The service provider should not ask intrusive personal questions. You should be the one who asks such questions because you are paying for the paid chat. A paid private chat session isn’t a chit-chat at a bar or in a nightclub. You are charged by the minute.

I find it very intrusive when, at the beginning of a chat, a camgirl asks to tell my age, my job position, my marital status, my family details… The camgirl should not be the one to question someone. It should be the other way around because you are charged to chat with her.

Thus, if a woman asks something like:

  • How old are you?
  • Do you have a family?
  • What do you do for a living?
  • what is your job?
  • Are you married?
  • Do you have a wife?
  • Do you have children?
  • Where do you live?

In the real world, in a bar for instance, a female stranger would never ask you these questions in a row. Whatever the country, It would be considered as a pushy behavior.

This behavior of asking personal questions upfront is just inappropriate. It is just time to leave the chatroom without saying goodbye.

Prefer camgirls who respect your privacy and your anonymity.

Women who ask too many personal questions have a hidden agenda when they ask such question. They likely look for a financial provider. They wants to evaluate him. By asking what he does for a living, they can determine how much money he makes. By asking him whether he is married, they can determine if he is a bachelor who could get married.

If you don’t want to waste your time with such a camgirl, wait a bit in her public chatroom if there is one. You can observe the camgirl’s behavior and see if it is worth taking her to a private chat session.

These impolite women are the same women who ask you to show your face during a private chat session.